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Showing posts from December, 2020

Seeking a more meaningful work-life!

Over the years, I have been pondering this very thought. I have been obsessed with having a more meaningful work-life. On average, an individual spends about 40 hours a week at work, about 2,000 hours a year. That's 1/3 of our lives dedicated to working.  Many believe work is time wasted, and prefer to spend time on more passionate activities. Knowing this, I set out to find a more balanced answer. These were the few questions that raced in mind when I started this journey: How can we turn work into a more passionate endeavour?  Why do a few people love work while the rest of us hate it? Does a more meaningful work-life lead to a better life altogether? With these questions in mind, I set off my journey. I spoke to countless leaders, read(more like listening to audiobooks), listen to podcasts and watch Youtube videos. After numerous months and years invested on this topic, I found a couple of commonalities: 1. It's a choice we make to either have a more meaningful work-life or...

Is Obsession a good thing or a bad thing?

In most movies that I have seen, the filmmakers often portray  obsessions  as a bad thing. Is that the case?  I would argue that we all need a certain level of obsessions in anything we do before producing great and remarkable work; work that we are proud of sharing. At one point in our lives, we had a dream which is so crazy that people will think your just too naive. It could be as simple as publishing your very own magazine while in school or declaring that every home in the world would have a personal computer in a couple of years. Without context, most of us would consider these as crazy dreams. But for the obsessive few, it was the only thing they could think of, every night and day until it became a reality. The two crazy dreams here if you haven't guess they are from Richard Branson, the Virgin group Tycoon and Steve Job, the founder of Apple and Pixar. One had an obsession with sharing stories while the other to make personal computers. I know many view obsession...