I was asked by parents to advise their kids on which higher education courses to pursue, which is in line with establishing their career paths. Having faced this very same question about 12 to 14 years ago, I feel I may have something fruitful to offer.
Let's take a step back for a moment. At some point in our lives, we all need to make a decision about what we want to do with our lives. We must recognize that this is a huge question and requires deep thought to derive an answer. We should also consider that at 15 to 17 years of age, we don't have all the answers. Frankly speaking, at 28 (turning 29 in a few months), I too am still figuring out life. It's a journey, not the destination.
NOW, this presents a challenge. The world and all its weight are expecting us, mere teenagers, to make a life-changing decision when we don't have a clue what the world is like and where we want to be in this world. So, what should we do? Panic? Nah.
We take a deep breath and think it through, remembering that all we can do at this moment is make a decision with the data, experience, and advice that is at our disposal. With that said, we want to make the most informed decision because an informed decision will lead to better prospects in life that we want to live, not the life our parents or society is expecting of us.
With the era of the internet, the world's occupations are at our fingertips. Let your curiosity fly and Google anything and everything that interests you. Figure out what life is like in jobs or work that fulfills you. Over the years, I have added to my interests, which has led to exploring and discovering new career opportunities. I never would have thought that my interest in gaming would have landed me the opportunity to lead over 100 people in a $3.3B organization, empowering game developers to make great games. So, there is no excuse - start now and enjoy researching.
This part is tricky. Experience comes from doing something new and gaining knowledge from it. It's about putting yourself out there, falling, retrying, and improving. My advice is that it is never too late to try something, but do it for the pure curiosity and interest of learning, not for the status of obtaining a certificate. If it is for status, trust me, you will regret it years later when you reflect back and ask yourself why you didn't use the time to focus on your passions.
This is the gold mine that I double downed on. Advice is free and is only limited to the number of people you speak to. Even to this day, I use it to level up quicker in life and my career. I encourage you to be vulnerable, open-minded, and humble - ask as many people as you can what is on your mind, and you will get a broader view of the world. When I was younger, I wanted to be a magician, film director, and a quantum physicist. Now you might be asking yourself, "Didn't Narish end up in senior management?" So what happened? Well, I received tons of advice on life and career. I understood the realities and the burdens that were coming my way, and I understood my unique abilities and where to apply them. That doesn't mean I stopped pursuing my hobbies; in fact, I pursued them to my heart's content and decided if they were truly what I wanted. The advice given to me has shaped me and allowed me to explore the world more quickly than anything else could.
What now?
Well, now is the time to act! What are you waiting for? This is one of the biggest decisions in your life. It would be crazy to put it off and wait until the last minute to make it. This is your life; make it as you will. Ultimately, you are accountable.
"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." – Mark Twain.
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