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Retuning our expectation of achievement!

I first created this reflection for my team at Coda Payments on 31st December 2021. I hope this brings value to you as you navigate the daily beauties of life. 

Reflection post ahead:

2021 was an unprecedented year filled with life-changing events; work for home continues to be a norm, the battle to end Covid prolonged, people found new ways to connect with one another, and so on. As we head towards the new year, it poises us an excellent opportunity to reflect on the past year.

As we reflect, we have 2 ways to go about it: Glass half empty or half full. Circling back to earlier in the year, I gave a Lunch & Learn session on "Clues to a more fulfilling work-life", where the core of the message was finding meaning in our work as when one find meaning/purpose, the work(action of doing) becomes more fulfilling, leading to greater satisfaction in life. Now it's time to see the 2nd part of the equation: contentment/achievement.

Fulfilment is all about the action, while achievement is the output. Now, here is where it gets tricky; in life, we are always taught to focus on the result(achievement): get the promotion, buy the car, be an A1 student. But the reality is that we can't control the outcome. They're too many factors that are out of our control. Think about it, if we desire to buy that "one" bungalow, that requires us to get a promotion. Well, we can work as hard as we want, but that promotion is not guaranteed. It is out of our hands. Here lies the problem. We can only control our actions, not the result. Yet we often benchmark our success through results.

Here is the crash course cheat code: Retuning our expectation of achievement. 


  •  If we want to be rich and not achieve it, we become sad.
  •  If we want to be rich and achieve it, we become happy. 

So, what does it all mean? We can either meet our expectations or retune it to something within our control. I chose the latter. WHY? Because that is within my control.

Instead of focusing on things I don't have, I choose to focus on the things I have: a loving family, a collaborative team, a passionate job.

So, as you reflect on 2021, focus on what you have attained instead of what you have not. A life of gratitude is a life filled with blessings.

If you read this far, here is your challenge: List down 3 things you are grateful for in 2021. Comment them down below.

Wishing all Codan's a blessed, fulfilled, and grateful 2022. 


  1. Love this blog writing. 3 things I'm grateful for in 2021 are : New bonding's, Self Achievement and Realization.


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