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Resourcefulness. What does it really mean? 

For many, it's doing more with less. But I think it's much deeper than that. It's about not allowing obstacles to stop us from reaching our goals. It's about not giving up when times are tough. It's about looking inwards instead of criticizing outwards. 

We, humans, are unstoppable when we are focused. When we put on our "resourceful" hat, we accept that there is no problem too big to solve. We are ready to dig deep and reinvent ourselves in order to solve the problem. We do not accept excuses or mediocrity. We will stop at nothing until the problem is solved. 

The next time we face a problem, let's put on our "resourceful" hat. Let's not list down 100 ways why we can't solve the problem. Let's list down 100 ideas on how we can tackle the problem. We just need ONE idea to work. 

All the best in discovering more Eureka moments! 


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